COMMUNITY SNOW PROCEDURE – please review carefully
It is once again the time of year that we need to prepare for the winter months and the possibility of snow.
The Association will be applying SAND ONLY to driveways and front service walks. (The front service walk is the walkway from your front door to the driveway) Homeowners who wish to apply an ice melt product, such as Potassium or Calcium chloride will be responsible for any and all damage that may occur to front service walk or driveway.
Homeowners who do not wish the Association to apply SAND to their driveway or service walk are required to complete a Sand Waiver Hold Harmless and pick up a red reflector from the Management office. The snow removal contractor will NOT apply sand to those homes that have displayed the reflector above their garage. Homes that do not display the reflector, sand will be applied after snow removal.
House clearing procedure: The machines work in tandem with a crew of laborers. The labor may be forward of the machines or following depending on the timing of the operator or crew arriving on site. The machines are focused on the driveway; the labor crews will clean the service walk to the front door and two feet from the front of the garage. If the machine gets there first, do not be alarmed, the labor crew will be around shortly thereafter. It is imperative for hand shoveling of these two feet to eliminate the possibility of damage to the garage door.
Cars should be parked either in the garage or on the driveway, please park as far to the top of your driveway as possible. Clearing will be done behind your vehicle but not around it as to eliminate any possibility of damage. If you clear snow from your car, after your driveway has been completed, we cannot guarantee removal of that snow.
Community sidewalks: It is the practice of the Regency at Monroe HOA NOT to clear the community sidewalks. Hazardous conditions may exist on sidewalks long after a snow/ice storm due to thaw and refreeze, for this reason the HOA does not clear the sidewalks as a safety control mechanism for our homeowners.
Community Walking path: We DO NOT clear the walking path at any time during the winter snow season.
Street Parking: Per the association rules and regulations, overnight street parking is prohibited from November 1stthrough March 31st. The HOA considers overnight parking to be 2:00am to 6:00am. Cars parked on the street during anytime of the day during a snow removal event may be plowed in. It is not the responsibility of the HOA or its’ contractor to dig these vehicles out.
Medical Priority: This form must be completed annually and is available at the concierge desk. There is also a copy attached. (Scroll past signature to access attachment)
NOTE: Medical priority removals are done based on treatment schedules. We do our best to facilitate medical requests, however we Do Not guarantee clearing.
We appreciate that many of our residents still go to business every day. This is not considered a priority for snow removal clearing for either going to work or returning home.
Prior to and during each storm, the Management team will communicate through email. If you currently receive our weekly community announcements than we have your email address on file, if you are not regularly receiving emails from the Management team, please contact the office in order to be added to our database.
The snow removal contractor is NOT responsible for damage to:
- Accent walkway lighting
- Homeowner installed shrubs
- Boulders, Ornamentals or any other homeowner installed modification
- Cosmetic scrapping or scratching to driveways or front service walks
- Any pots or décor on driveway or front service walk
If you have any questions regarding the snow removal procedures, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the Management team at 732-605-9800.