Stephanie Harmon/ July 30, 2019/ Important Notices

Net Event

Blue Flight

1st Vin Berry 32
1st Hank Josephs 32
1st Andrew Busch 32
1st John Harris 32
1st Nat Willner 32

White  0-9

1st  Charles Zammit 24
1st  Tom Toscano 24
2nd Joe Stuby 26
3rd  Mike Bluth 27

White 10+

1st  Roger Dantoni 25
2nd Steve Schnell 26
3rd Tom Tomasulo 27

CTP #7  Blue- John Harris 2’5″
White- Ed Leski  13’10”

Club Champ  Matches need to be finished by:

Quarterfinals- August 9th
Semifinals- August 23rd
Finals- September 6th

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